Donnie Keele

Donnie Keele is a communicator and life coach who specializes in helping young adults discover and share what makes them unique and gives them purpose. Equipped with two degrees (one in mass communication and the other in campus chaplaincy), several certifications, and 15+ years of experience split between summer camp administration and university student affairs, he now produces digital media content focused on helping camp professionals make sense of complex and shifting demands so they can continue growing as exceptional leaders who provide transformational experiences for campers and staff alike.

Image of a mount bike wheel on leafy ground.

Decode Camp Staff Burnout: The Camp Staff Experience Wheel

The Camp Experience Wheel: Measuring the Camp Staff Experience Imagine this: it’s mid-July, the sun is blazing, and your camp is in full swing. Campers are laughing and learning, but behind the scenes, your staff is starting to show signs of wear and tear. You notice some are looking exhausted, others are feeling overwhelmed, and […]

Decode Camp Staff Burnout: The Camp Staff Experience Wheel Read More »

Shutting Down the Camp Machine: How to End This Season with Next Season in Mind 

“We can’t find the Blob.”  “What?! It’s gigantic! What do you mean, ‘we can’t find the Blob’?”  “I dunno…” shrug. “At least…it’s not where you said it would be.”   “Sure it is. It’s next to the pool house under the –”  “Found it!” your radio shouts, interrupting your conversation with the new waterfront staff. “It’s […]

Shutting Down the Camp Machine: How to End This Season with Next Season in Mind  Read More »

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